Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Id | integer |
None. |
Subject | string |
None. |
Description | string |
None. |
StartDate | date |
None. |
DueDate | date |
None. |
Status | string |
None. |
Priority | string |
None. |
AssignedContactId | integer |
None. |
AssignedContactName | string |
None. |
Complete | string |
None. |
ReminderOn | boolean |
None. |
AlertOn | boolean |
None. |
CreatedBy | integer |
None. |
CreatedOn | date |
None. |
CreatedOnSearchable | string |
None. |
DueDateSearchable | string |
None. |
ReminderDate | date |
None. |
ModifyBy | integer |
None. |
ModifyOn | date |
None. |
CreatedBySearchable | string |
None. |
DeletedOn | date |
None. |
DeletedBy | integer |
None. |
PriorityOrder | integer |
None. |
CompletedDate | date |
None. |
OfficeEmployeeIDs | string |
None. |
OfficeEmployeeNames | string |
None. |
AssignedContact | Entity |
None. |
OfficeEmployees | Collection of OfficeEmployee |
None. |
NotificationReminders | Collection of NotificationReminder |
None. |
PolicyQuoteInfoes | Collection of PolicyQuoteInfoRef |
None. |
CampaignRecipientTasks | Collection of CampaignRecipientTask |
None. |