Getting Started With the QQCatalyst API
The QQCatalyst API allows developers to build apps that integrate with QQCatalyst and securely access Catalyst data via our application services. If you would like to integrate with Catalyst, we have everything you need right here. To get started with Catalyst API integration, please contact our API team via email. We’ll then talk with you about becoming an API partner.
In order to interact with the Catalyst API, you will need to register with QQ Solutions as an API partner. After successfully registering, we will provide you with security tokens and credentials for use during authentication, as documented in the security section of this site. Subsequently, each of your insurance agency customers will need to work with you directly to allow your app to access to their individual Catalyst accounts.
Once you have registered as an API partner, you can download our sample application and view our detailed API documentation. We will also set you with a sandbox Catalyst account (for a nominal annual fee) and help you bring your product to life.
Release Updates and Additions
Version 5.1.16 Highlights
Commercial Auto Drivers
PolicySummaryForApi GET
Updated endpoint to return a list of Policy Agency Fees along with policy summary info details.
LastModifiedCreated GET
Updated endpoint to return a list of Policy Agency Fees along with modified policies given a date range with paging.
Policies Info
Version 5.1.12 Highlights
Policy Premium
Version 5.1.7 Highlights
Version 5.1.6 Highlights
Version 5.0.7 Highlights
UserLocationsV2 GET
Added a new endpoint to get the current user's list of locations and their correspodning default state codes. This is an improved and efficient version for UserLocations endpoint.
LocationInfo GET
Updated endpoint to return address details such as street, city, state and zip.
Version 5.0.5 Highlights
Version 5.0.1 Highlights
Version 4.94 Highlights
Version 4.57 Highlights
Version 4.43 Highlights
BillingLastModifiedCreated GET
Added a new endpoint for getting customer billing information for a specific date range with paging. Available query string parameters: startDate, endDate, pageNumber, pageSize.
Version 4.39 Highlights
Version 4.37 Highlights
Policies Billing
Version 4.30 Highlights
Contacts Billing
CompanyCommission GET
Added a new endpoint for getting company commission billing information for a customer.
CompanyPremium GET
Added a new endpoint for getting company premium billing information for a customer.
Customer GET
Added a new endpoint for getting customer billing information for a customer.
FinancePremium GET
Added a new endpoint for getting finance premium billing information for a customer.
ProducerCommission GET
Added a new endpoint for getting producer commission billing information for a customer.
NonCustomers Billing
CompanyCommission GET
Added a new endpoint for getting company commission billing information for a noncustomer. This endpoint is available for carriers, MGAs and prospects.
CompanyPremium GET
Added a new endpoint for getting company premium billing information for a noncustomer. This endpoint is available for carriers, MGAs and prospects.
Customer GET
Added a new endpoint for getting customer billing information for a noncustomer. This endpoint is available for prospects.
FinancePremium GET
Added a new endpoint for getting finance premium billing information for a noncustomer. This endpoint is available for finance companies and prospects.
ProducerCommission GET
Added a new endpoint for getting producer commission billing information for a noncustomer. This endpoint is available for employees and prospects.
Policies Billing
CompanyCommission GET
Added a new endpoint for getting company commission billing information for a policy.
CompanyPremium GET
Added a new endpoint for getting company premium billing information for a policy.
Customer GET
Added a new endpoint for getting customer billing information for a policy.
FinancePremium GET
Added a new endpoint for getting finance premium billing information for a policy.
ProducerCommission GET
Added a new endpoint for getting producer commission billing information for a policy.
Version 4.28 Highlights
Version 3.10 Highlights
Throttling technologies have been added to the QQCatalyst API. After this release, if a third party partner attempts to make more than 60 calls in one minute to the same endpoint for the same QQID/Tenant the partner will receive a 401 - Unauthorized response with a message body of 'You have exceeded the maximum allowed attempts for this endpoint on the QQCatalyst API for this QQID/tenant. Maximum admitted 60 requests per Minute'
Version 3.8 Highlights
Version 3.7 Highlights
The technology used to serve our Catalyst APIs has been upgraded from WCF to the Microsoft WebAPI architecture built of the MVC platform. This provides a more efficient and customizable system and combines the best of both architectures. All existing API methods have been configured to use new, easier to configure signatures that would allow future versions of the same method to exist while the old ones remain. Our goal was to maintain 100% backwards compatibility with the existing APIs and their respected URLs to minimize or eliminate impact to 3rd party consumers.
Use of the QQCatalyst API Test Harness tool has been deprecated.
Developers can log into their own test tenants using and run API tests without having to know their bearer token, this functionality replaces the QQCatalyst API Test Harness.
New functionality has been added to allow developers to directly test API methods on A "Test this API" button in the lower right hand corner of the screen of each API method, will allow developers to enter the requested parameters and send the request. An encrypted bearer token is required to test methods using this tool. Bearer token can be retrieved from
Added / Modified API Methods
Customers GET
Added a parameter to the method used to get Customer Details to indicate if the user wants all the details including tasks/notes/files/ACORDs
Contact Addresses GET
Return a list of addresses for a contact.
Contact XDates GET
Return a list of XDates for a contact.
Version 3.6 Highlights
Contacts - Employees
Employee Shifts
Provide a way for getting and updating Employee Shifts, found in the employee's user preferences tab in QQCatalyst.
Employee Details
Provide a way to get an employee's User Details
Updates beyond this point refer to the old API format. Refer to Technical Documentation for the new method format and layout.
Version 3.5 Highlights
Version 3.4 Highlights
Contacts By Date Modified or Created with Pagination GET
Available query string parameters: startDate, endDate, pageNumber, pageSize
Use this method to get a list of contacts that have been modified or created for a specific data range. This is an extension of a method that already exists but it contains additional parameters to include paging. If you are using the old method and are experiencing issues please adjust your system to use the new, paged result set. By default the results are paged at 100 records and the max requested page count is 500.
Contact Tasks GET
Available query string parameters: pageNumber, pageSize, orderBy, orderDirection
Use this method to get a list of tasks associated to a contact. This is not the employee assigned to the contact.
Employee Tasks GET
Available query string parameters: pageNumber, pageSize, orderBy, orderDirection
Use this method to get a list of tasks associated to an Employee.
Mark Task Complete POST
Use this method to update a task to completed status.
Update Task Progress POST
Use this method to update a task. TaskDTO properties ID, Complete (percentage), Status and ReminderDate(Optional) should be filled. Status= Not Started, Waiting, In Progress, Deferred, Completed
Contact Notes GET
Available query string parameters: pageNumber, pageSize, orderBy, orderDirection
Use this method to get a list of notes associated to a contact
Policies By Date Modified or Created with Pagination GET
Available query string parameters: startDate, endDate, pageNumber, pageSize
Get a list of modified policies given a date range with paging. This is an extension of a method that already exists but it contains additional parameters to include paging. If you are using the old method and are experiencing issues please adjust your system to use the new, paged result set. By default the results are paged at 100 records and the max requested page count is 500.
Policy DownPayment GET
Get the down payment information for a policy.
Commercial Inland Marine Policies
Various methods will be found here to read and manipulate the Policy Detail sections of a Commercial Inland Marine Policies. Some methods will be found without the {policyDetailID} parameter. These methods also cover policies with the Equipment Floater and Contractor"s Equipment Floater lines of business.
Personal Inland Marine Policies
Various methods will be found here to read and manipulate the Policy Detail sections of a Personal Inland Marine Policy. Some methods will be found without the {policyDetailID} parameter.
Policy Files GET
Available query string parameters: downloadAs, pageNumber, pageSize
Get a list of files associated to a Policy ID, alternatively you can request the byte[] of the file with "downloadAs"= None, Thumbnail, Original. This is an extension of a method that already exists but it contains additional parameters to include paging. If you are using the old method and are experiencing issues please adjust your system to use the new, paged result set.
Contact Files GET
Available query string parameters: downloadAs, pageNumber, pageSize
Get a list of files associated to a Contact ID, alternatively you can request the byte[] of the file with "downloadAs"= None, Thumbnail, Original. This is an extension of a method that already exists but it contains additional parameters to include paging. If you are using the old method and are experiencing issues please adjust your system to use the new, paged result set.